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If you’ve had a baby, no matter how long ago and you have a Diastasis Recti or feel disconnected to your Core and/or Pelvic Floor then HCR Diastasis is the programme you’ve been waiting for.
A BESPOKE programme grounded by a hands-on assessment, soft-tissue and massage therapy and clear direction on ESSENTIAL healing nutrition, clear instructions on helpful and non-helpful lifestyle choices and most importantly a safe, ’functional’ and modern movement and exercise programme that will help you heal your Diastasis, improve your Core function and guarantee you a better looking belly and a Pelvic Floor that does its job.
- Most women have never been told WHY this happens and what are the mechanics of Diastasis and why traditional abdominal work they performed before their pregnancy won’t work now in this healing phase.
- Most women have never been told the HUGE role that optimal nutrition and hydration play in their this healing phase.
- Most women have never been told about the link between the abdominal wall, Pelvic Floor, Diastasis and how they breathe!
- Most women have never been provided with a BESPOKE (made just for them) restorative programme that takes them from the early days of healing right back to fully restored.
- Most women have never been provided with a programme that gives them the tools to protect their healing core (Abdominals and Pelvic Floor) while they get on with the demands of life and motherhood.
- This programme is dedicated to helping the client understand what’s happened. Knowing the Why’s and What’s matter A LOT!
- I will get hands-on with every woman going through the programme. I will also show some hands on simple releases which you can do yourself or with your partner – no generic prescription here – every programme is based on a 1-1 consultation followed by a prescription for what is best for You.
- The programme starts by getting the basics of posture and alignment improved including soft-tissue release to bring balance to your entire body.
- It’s a 3-Phase programme where the exercises are progressed. I am with you all of the ways, ensuring your progress towards your goal and also that your route to success is adjusted as required.
- Each phase will take approximately 1 month, sometimes less, sometimes a little more. But you will be coached in ‘self-care’ strategies for your Core and Pelvic Health for life.
- You’re provided with all the exercise kit you need(if face 2 face) and a 28-page educational booklet to help you really understand the process and the facts about Diastasis.
- The programme has a strong focus on NUTRITION! 100%. We heal from the INSIDE OUT! And I have simple but highly effective strategies for helping you get the specific vitamins and minerals required to heal your Diastasis into your diet easily.
- We employ ‘CAN DO’ strategies for helping you REST and DE-STRESS. The high cortisol levels associated with the Post Natal period also retard healing and cause you to hold fat around your middle. This programme helps you to help yourself to not only a better-looking belly but one that FUNCTIONS and supports your Pelvic, Core and overall health.
- I am linked with specially trained Post Natal Women’s Health specialists in this area and know EXACTLY when to REFER you to a clinical specialist when this programme isn’t the answer for you.
Healing a Diastasis Recti is a WHOLE BODY ISSUE, it’s not just about exercise, it’s not just about the woman’s belly and it’s not just about the gap! A deep assessment is required to start with then a programme that focusses on nutrition for healing, the woman’s breathing strategy and postural alignment, all need to be considered BEFORE we apply exercise and load. I’VE GOT THIS NAILED! And our programme has been tried and tested by hundreds of women and received rave reviews. Improve your belly, rid yourself of back pain, reconnect to your Pelvic Floor so that you both FEEL and FUNCTION better.
Who Is This Programme For?
- Are you a woman who wants to know more about her Pelvic Floor, Core and overall health?
- Have you experienced the odd leak when jumping, running, laughing or sneezing and know that that’s a sign that you need to take control of your Pelvic Health?
- Are you a woman that wants an easy to perform ANYWHERE, modern and effective way to strengthen her Core and re-establish its role as part of her whole body?
- Do you have a small Rectus Diastasis (Tummy Gap) that you want to heal?
- Do you have ‘lower back pain’ issues that you’ve been told is due to a ‘weak Core’?
- Do you want a better-looking belly but know it’s an inside out job so need to go deeper and work smarter than just doing ‘sit-ups’?
- Are you ready to prioritise this area of your health and learn ESSENTIAL skills to last you a lifetime?
- You want to learn the importance of food for not only fat loss but nourishing your deep health?
- Have you seen a clinician about a low-level Prolapse and been told to ‘do your Pelvic Floor exercises’ as part of your management strategy?
- Are you ready to learn the importance of ‘rest’ and ‘self-care’ as part of your wellness journey?
So, How Does It Work?
- After you’ve gone through our full 4-Point Hands-On Deep Pre-Screening, you’ll then be all set to attend for your first session where you’ll receive your HCR Client Education Booklet and the items of fitness kit required for the course.
- I will then provide you with your own BESPOKE homework and recovery tasks completely tailored to suit where you are on your journey.
- This programme may involve abdominal/visceral massage if necessary to combat possible scar tissue/adhesions associated with abdominal trauma.
- Both homework and following the HCR Nutrition Guidelines are an essential part of the puzzle and when followed will truly improve your results and the value you derive from the programme.
- The Homework exercises are progressed and so over the course of the 6 weeks, as your strength and coordination improve, the exercises will become more challenging.
- This programme is delivered on a 1-2-1 basis over 6 weeks with 1,5-hour consultation/assessment and three 1 hour sessions two weeks apart.